Fiscal Fitness Fridays: A Deeper Dive into Your Wallet Wellness


Hello, folks! Welcome to another episode of Fiscal Fitness Fridays! Just like your favorite fitness instructor, we’re here to whip your finances into shape, one witty repartee at a time. So, let’s get cracking!

Safeguarding Your Child’s College Future (and Your Savings)

First off, congratulations on your child’s acceptance letter! As proud as a peacock you might be, it’s crucial to maintain vigilance over their 529 plan savings. You’ve been saving diligently for this moment, much like a chipmunk preparing for winter. Now, it’s time to ensure those savings are secure.

In the world of personal finance, complacency can be costly. The 529 plan, a fantastic tool to save for educational expenses, is not without its risks. Be it market volatility, management fees, or simply a change in your child’s educational path, there are several factors you need to consider. So, before you pop that champagne bottle, take a moment to reassess your financial plan. This CNBC article offers some astute advice on this topic. Remember, folks, a penny saved today is a semester paid tomorrow!

Family Leave Plan: A Beacon of Hope

In the whirlwind of U.S. politics, there’s a breeze that might just freshen up the lives of working families. The Democrats are stirring up a new national paid family leave plan that could mean significant changes for workers. While the specifics are still under wraps, the overall sentiment is hopeful.

A robust national paid family leave plan could provide immense relief to workers juggling their careers and familial responsibilities. It has the potential to offer paid time off for new parents, individuals with severe health conditions, or those caring for ill family members. Keep an eye on this development, folks. It could be a game-changer!

The IRS and the Automation Nation

Here’s a nugget of news that might just make your tax-filing season a little less taxing (pun absolutely intended). The IRS isn’t testing automated tax returns just yet, but there are whispers of pre-populated ones becoming a reality.

Just imagine, less time spent deciphering W-2s and more time enjoying the fruits of your labor. Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? And while we can’t promise you a completely painless tax-filing process (we’re finance enthusiasts, not miracle workers), this move could certainly make things easier. For more on this, check out this CNBC scoop.

Young Investors: A Balancing Act

In an interesting twist of financial fate, young investors have begun to sell stocks and dip into their retirement savings for emergencies. While we applaud their resourcefulness, we can’t help but recommend a more balanced approach.

Investing is a long game, and it’s crucial to keep a level head when the market gets feisty. Similarly, retirement savings are just that – savings for retirement. Dipping into these funds for short-term needs could have long-term consequences. For a deeper dive into this topic, check out this CNBC piece.

Gold vs. Stocks: The Battle Royale

This one’s for the investment enthusiasts out there. There’s been a heated debate brewing between those who favor gold and those who swear by stocks for long-term investment. This thrilling face-off has Americans hooked, but remember, the right choice depends on your personal financial situation and risk tolerance.

MetricSPY (S&P 500 ETF)GLD (Gold ETF)
Average Daily Volume (Last 3 Months)89,218,2308,931,193
52-Week High Price$431.73$191.36
52-Week Low Price$348.11$150.57
Dividend Rate$6.46$0.00
Dividend Yield1.54%0.00%
Beta (12 Months)1.00390.1889

IRS to Offer Free Online Direct Filing System

Good news for those of you who get a headache just thinking about filing your taxes! The IRS plans to offer a free online direct filing system for some taxpayers in 2024. It’s like they’re saying, “We love you, too”!

Social Security Costs on the Rise

This next one comes with a chart that’s as informative as it is colorful. It shows the fastest-rising costs for Social Security beneficiaries. You can check out the details here.

Avoiding the Personal Debt Ceiling

U.S. households are bumping their heads on their own debt ceiling. Ouch! But don’t worry, we’ve got some tips to help you duck and dodge that nasty bump. You can find all the advice you need right here.

IRS Flags Identity Fraud: 1 Million and Counting

Did you know that the IRS flagged over 1 million tax returns for identity fraud in 2023? It’s like a suspense movie, but with less popcorn and more paperwork. Check out the story here.

That’s it for this week’s Fiscal Fitness Fridays! Remember, folks, in the world of personal finance, knowledge is your best investment. So, keep learning, stay savvy, and we’ll see you next week for another entertaining dive into the world of dollars and cents. Until then, keep your financial muscles flexed and your wallets full!

The content provided in Fiscal Fitness Fridays is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Consult with a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.